Sunday, July 19, 2009


1. Cherry leaves are poisonous.
2. All plants have ninety percent of water in them.
3. An atomic clock can be made accurate to one second in every 150000.
4. The first public lottery was introduced in Germany in 1494.
5. The game of chess originated in India.
7. The Chinese invented playing cards in A.D 1120.
8. The earth would fit into the Sun 109 times.
9. King Louis 13th took five baths in his life of 60 years,
and all of them unwillingly.
10. In France, April Fool days are known as Fish Days.
11. Flies take off back wards.
12. Approximately 500 new human diseases are discovered each year.
13. The Earth revolves faster in September than it does in March.
14. The human body contains about 80,000 km of veins and capillaries.


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